Nobody's Hero

Manuell Mănăstireanu


Acrylic on canvas
80 x 40 cm

"Nobody's Hero" is a painting that features a central figure, with an expression that seems to evoke a state of introspection or melancholy. The potted faces, especially the exaggerated features of the clown, suggest a duality between joy and sadness, an element often associated with art that explores human nature. The use of cool shades and soft contrasts suggests an enigmatic atmosphere, generating an impression of emotional distance.
With an abstract approach, details are stylized, artistic lines and shapes are more suggested than defined, which allows for subjective interpretation on the part of the viewer.

Clown Theme: Clowns are often symbols of irony, suggesting smiles hidden under a sad face. This can reflect the complexity of human emotions and the concepts of facade and authenticity. The central figure can invite a meditation on identity and self-perception, challenging the viewer to explore the nuances between the exterior and the interior. This work has the potential to generate deep discussions about human emotions and experiences, inviting reflection on the nature of the clown as a symbol, and the complexity of human identity.

The people in my paintings don't have high status, but they do have a higher state of mind. Regardless of whom the characters are, they are alive, mute, outcries in a world of indifference, beings seeking light through the descent into the abyss of being. Broken mirrors within us... here's the key to the characters imagined by me." - Manuell Mănăstireanu

About the artist

Manuell Mănastireanu (born in December 5, 1973, Botoșani) is a visual artist from Romania. He graduated the Faculty of Fine, Decorative Arts and Design, Iasi, within the Painting Department (1999), Prof. Dan Hatmanu class. Member of the Union of Fine Artists in 2001, Iasi, since 1997, the artist has participated in 11 personal exhibitions and 20 group exhibitions within the country and abroad. He participated in residential programmes since 2003 and was awarded in 2010 with the prize of "Geea" Publishing House - "Silver Tea" in Botoșani. In 2014 he was awarded the Prize of the City of Iasi, by the Mayor's Office. His work is in private collections in the USA, Canada, Holland, Belgium, Germany.He is currently exhibiting in Berlin at the collective exhibition in Langmayer, Germany, "La Gare de l'Art" in 2016.

He exhibited in 2014 at the Palace of the Parliament, Constantin Brâncuși Hall in Bucharest, the personal exhibition The Light of Silence.

In May 2018 he exhibited the project The Mirors of Silence, at Arthis - Cultural Center in Bruxelles, dedicated to the Centenary of Romania, followed by the exhibition with the same title in November 2018 at the Palace of Culture in Iasi, in 2019 at Calpe Gallery in Timisoara and in 2020 at Elite Art Gallery – Bucuresti.

On 1 December 2018 he received the diploma of excellence - Centenary of the Great Union (1918-2018), from the City Hall of Iaşi.