A la lisiére de la fôret

Alfred Sisley


Oil on Canvas
54.5 x 65.5 cm

The authenticity of the work was confirmed by the Comité Alfred Sisley, Brame & Laurenceau, Paris, April 26, 2013.

- Ernest May, Paris.
- Granddaughter of Ernest May (by inheritance; until 1991).
- Private collection Switzerland.

- Tokyo/Hokkaido/Okayama/Nara 1998: Monet, Renoir et les Impressionistes, Tobu Museum of Art, Tokyo / Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art / The Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art / Nara Prefectural Museum of Art, 1998, cat. no. 20, p. 58f. (with illustration) and p. 150.
- Cologne 2001: Miracle de la couleur, Wallraf-Richardtz-Museum, no cat. no., p. 440, plate p. 441. - Rotterdam 2003: Miracle de la couleur, Kunsthalle Rotterdam, Zwolle 2003, no cat. no., plate p. 41.
- Turku 2005: Värin ihme – Impressionisteja ja postimpressionisteja. Yhteistyössä Kölnin Wallraf-Richartzmuseon (Färgernas mirakel – Impressionists and postimpressionists. In collaboration with the Wallraf- Richartz-museet - Corboud-stiftelsen), exh. Cat. Wäinö Aaltosen museo (Wäinö Aaltonens museum), Turku, 2005, no cat. no., ill. p. 40.
- Cologne 2006: Barbara Schaefer (with a contribution by Götz Czymmek), French painting of the 19th century II. The Impressionists and their successors – (= picture booklets on the collection, 13), edited by
Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud/City of Cologne), Cologne 2006, p. 124 (no cat. no.).
- Ostfildern 2008: Barbara Schaefer (ed.), Masters of Impressionism. The Cologne Collection/The Cologne Collection Wallraf-Richartz- Museum & Fondation Corboud, edited by Andreas Blühm, Ostfildern 2008, p. 302 and ill.
p. 77 (top). - Vienna 2009/2012: Iris Schaefer/Caroline von Saint-George/Katja Lewerentz/Heinz Widauer/Gisela Fischer, Impressionism. How light came onto the canvas, exh. cat. Albertina, Vienna 2009/2010, no cat. no., p. 308 and ill. 245, p. 243.
- Aomori 2011: Painting Light: The hidden techniques of the Impressionists, exh. cat. Aomori Museum of Art, Aomori 2011, cat. no. 22.

About the artist

Alfred Sisley (30 October 1839 – 29 January 1899) was an Impressionist landscape painter who was born and spent most of his life in France, but retained British citizenship. He was the most consistent of the Impressionists in his dedication to painting landscape en plein air (i.e., outdoors). He deviated into figure painting only rarely and, unlike Renoir and Pissarro, he found that Impressionism fulfilled his artistic needs.

Among his important works are a series of paintings of the River Thames, mostly around Hampton Court, executed in 1874, and landscapes depicting places in or near Moret-sur-Loing. The notable paintings of the Seine and its bridges in the former suburbs of Paris are like many of his landscapes, characterised by tranquillity, in pale shades of green, pink, purple, dusty blue and cream. Over the years Sisley's power of expression and colour intensity increased.