Vasile Mureșan Murivale
"There are artists for whom communicating the visual message in a lively space that they treat with unparalleled authority and generosity represents the most applied promulgation of the notion of imagination and effort. They are structures connected to all the turmoil and (in)justices of time, their work being a seductive and volcanic mixture of past, present and, especially, future. Praised or denied, but impossible to ignore, often overcoming incomprehensible adversities, they are those spirits devoid of gloomy egoism, and stretch creative fantasies in the wake of a permanent dream. One such dreamy nomad, who works against the canons, metamorphosing everything he touches with his eyes and hands, is Vasile Mureșan-Murivale. For years, this brave combinator has been making and unmaking, tempted by: shapes, volumes, perspectives, and experimenting, and disturbing stable things, and guiding us through his twisted rebellious lyricism, a large quantity of matter, which becomes a measure of diversity.”
Vasile Mureșan, known by the pseudonym Murivale, is a contemporary Romanian painter, born on April 1, 1957 in Arcalia, Bistrița-Năsăud County.
He graduated from the "Liviu Rebreanu" High School in Bistrița in 1981.
In 1996, he completed his studies at the "Luceafărul" Academy of Arts in Bucharest, specializing in painting, under the guidance of Professor Teodor Moraru. He took his bachelor's degree at the Bucharest University of Arts.
Between 1998 and 2001, he was an assistant at the "Luceafărul" Academy of Arts in Bucharest.
Artistic activity: Titular member of the Union of Visual Artists of Romania since 2000.
He has created over 12,000 works, building an impressive art library.
His style is characterized by a postmodernist approach, with expressionist influences, often exploring themes related to urban and everyday life.
Romanian Television has made seven documentary films about his work. He has participated in numerous exhibitions, both in the country and abroad, his works being appreciated for their originality and expressiveness.